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European Alternative Fuels Observatory

European Union (EU27)

Target tracker

AFIR fleet-based target

The proposed AFI Regulation sets out specific objectives about targets for electric recharging infrastructure dedicated to light-duty vehicles. Member States shall ensure that publicly accessible recharging stations for light-duty vehicles are deployed commensurate to the uptake of light-duty electric vehicles, and in their territory, publicly accessible recharging stations dedicated to light-duty vehicles are deployed that provide sufficient power output for those vehicles. To that end Member States shall ensure that, at the end of each year, starting from the year referred to in Article 24, the following power output targets are met cumulatively: 

(a)for each battery-electric light-duty vehicle registered in their territory, a total power output of at least 1 kW is provided through publicly accessible recharging stations; and

(b)for each plug-in hybrid light-duty vehicle registered in their territory, a total power output of at least 0.66 kW is provided through publicly accessible recharging stations.

The calculation of the target output is described as follows: the sum of these two values - the number of M1 and N1 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) multiplied by 1 and the number of M1 and N1 Plug-in Hybrid vehicles multiplied with 0.66. The target attainment is the ratio of the target power output and the total power output for each Member State.

Total power output per AFIR fleet-based target

Recharging Power per EV target attainment

Fleet NIR targets

NIR electric fleet targets for 2025 and progress

NIR electric fleet targets for 2030 and progress

Infrastructure NIR targets

NIR recharging infrastructure targets for 2025 and progress

NIR recharging infrastructure targets for 2030 and progress

Electric Fleet NPF targets

NPF electric fleet targets for 2025 and progress

NPF electric fleet targets for 2030 and progress

Infrastructure NPF targets

NPF recharging infrastructure targets for 2025 and progress

NPF recharging infrastructure targets for 2030 and progress