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European Alternative Fuels Observatory


Incentives and Legislation

Incentives and legislation that aim to increase uptake of alternative fuels vehicles and infrastructure. 

If you know of other national or local incentives that should be included in this section, please send us an email and let us know.

Registration tax benefits

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) pay the lowest (EUR 33) rate of tax on motor vehicles.

Ownership tax benefits

Annual tax rate for BEVs is zero. Hybrid motor vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs) have a reduced tax rate of up to 50 %.

Purchase subsidies

From July 2020 there is no known purchase subsidy available. A new programme is expected.

Other financial benefits

Parking discounts on selected cities.

Since 1 January 2020 a new depreciation group ‘0’ for EV was established. Personal BEVs  or PHEVs in a combination with other fuel type or energy source are depreciated for 2 years.

Local incentives

Low emission zones. In November 2017, the Slovak parliament adopted an amendment to the Air Protection Act; this amendment enables municipalities to introduce low emission zones and thus indirectly favour low emission vehicles such as EVs or hybrids.

AF infrastructure incentives

Subsidies were available (2019-2020), between EUR 2 500-5 000 for government organisations. New purchase subsidies are expected to be launched in 2021-2022.

Are you aware of further incentives you want to bring to the Observatory's attention? Let us know by filling in this form.

Incentives and Legislation

Incentives and legislation that aim to increase uptake of alternative fuels vehicles and infrastructure. 

If you know of other national or local incentives that should be included in this section, please send us an email and let us know.