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European Alternative Fuels Observatory


Incentives and Legislation

Incentives and legislation that aim to increase uptake of alternative fuels vehicles and infrastructure. 

If you know of other national or local incentives that should be included in this section, please send us an email and let us know.

Registration tax benefits

Vehicles emitting less than 110 g/km CO2 pay minimum rate motor vehicle tax  (0.5 %).

Purchase subsidies

The amount of grant aid depends on the category of vehicle and is:

  • EUR 7 500 for a new electric vehicle (EV) without CO2 emissions or an electrically processed vehicle, category M1;
  • EUR 4 500 for a new EV without CO2 emissions or a power-driven vehicle, category N1 or L7e;
  • EUR 4 500 for a new plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) or a new EV with a range extender, with CO2 emissions at a discharge of less than 50 g/km, category M1 or N1;
  • EUR 3 000 for a new EV without CO2 emissions or a power-driven vehicle, category L6e.
  • EUR 1 000 for a new EV without CO2 emissions of category L3e or L4e or L5e;
  • EUR 500 for a new EV  without CO2 emissions of category L1e-B or L2e;
  • EUR 200 for a new EV  without CO2 emissions of category L1e-A.

The maximum value of the vehicle for which an incentive can be obtained is limited to EUR 65 000 together with value added tax, any discounts and battery rental for the vehicle.


Other Financial benefits

The Eco Fund offers long-term loans for the purchase of electric cars at a subsidised rate set by the Bank of Slovenia. Loans with up to a 10-year repayment period with an interest rate of EURIBOR + 1.3 % are available. The conditions are different for personal and business purchases.

Are you aware of further incentives you want to bring to the Observatory's attention? Let us know by filling in this form.

Incentives and Legislation

Incentives and legislation that aim to increase uptake of alternative fuels vehicles and infrastructure. 

If you know of other national or local incentives that should be included in this section, please send us an email and let us know.